Save the Date Oct 22-24, 2015!

A “Save the Date” message about CS Golden Jubilee Homecoming Events was sent by Dr. Bruce McMillin to all Computer Science alumni on July 28.  The message also went to Math, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Management Systems, and Business & IT alumni encouraging them to mark their calendars for October 22-24, 2015 to join in the Golden Jubilee kickoff on campus.   Registration for Homecoming will open in early August.  A complete list of Golden Jubilee Homecoming events can be found at: .

Dr. McMillin is an Associate Dean for the Missouri S&T College of Engineering and Computing as well as a Professor of Computer Science.  Dr. McMillin is  co-chair of the Golden Jubilee Steering Committee with alumna Pam Leitterman, who is also President of the Missouri S&T  Academy of Computer Science.