Missouri S&T Computer Teams Can Hack It in Competition

DSC_4666-300x200Missouri University of Science and Technology will kick off a Golden Jubilee celebration marking the 50th anniversary of its computer science degree program with a competition designed to help society through computing.

The Hackathon for Humanity (H4H) contest kickoff runs from 12:30-1:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 3, in Room 209 of the computer science building with live streaming for remote participation.  Read more at:  http://news.mst.edu/2015/09/missouri-st-computer-teams-can-hack-it-in-competition/



View Your Rollamo Yearbook Online

RollamoCover1972I own several Rollamo Yearbooks. I even know where they are. The one from my freshman year (1971-72) at UMR measures 9.25” x 12.25”x 1.75” and weighs over 6.5 pounds. Though its footprint isn’t much different from a laptop computer, it is definitely chunkier and heavier – not the easiest of books to browse.

But thanks to the digital age, all the Rollamo yearbooks, which date back to 1907, are available online for you to browse at your convenience. The collection resides at: http://scholarsmine.mst.edu/speccoll_yearbooks/ .

And not only can you browse the yearbooks of your choice, you can also get a glimpse of how many other people are looking at Rollamos around the globe.   A real-time map at the bottom of the page referenced above let’s you use your mouse to hover or click to see what yearbooks are being viewed in other parts of the world.

If you’re planning to come for the Computer Science Golden Jubilee kickoff at Homecoming, looking at some of the yearbooks online can be a great way to refresh your memories of people and campus spots. If you can’t make it to Rolla for Homecoming, browsing the yearbooks can also be a good way to join the celebration from afar.  Yearbooks online — another great example of computer science technology at work!


Pam Leitterman
BS Applied Mathematics, 1975
Co-chair CS Golden Jubilee Steering Committee
President, Academy of Computer Science



Save the Date Oct 22-24, 2015!

A “Save the Date” message about CS Golden Jubilee Homecoming Events was sent by Dr. Bruce McMillin to all Computer Science alumni on July 28.  The message also went to Math, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Management Systems, and Business & IT alumni encouraging them to mark their calendars for October 22-24, 2015 to join in the Golden Jubilee kickoff on campus.   Registration for Homecoming will open in early August.  A complete list of Golden Jubilee Homecoming events can be found at:  http://cs.mst.edu/50years/homecoming .

Dr. McMillin is an Associate Dean for the Missouri S&T College of Engineering and Computing as well as a Professor of Computer Science.  Dr. McMillin is  co-chair of the Golden Jubilee Steering Committee with alumna Pam Leitterman, who is also President of the Missouri S&T  Academy of Computer Science.



Welcome to the Computer Science Golden Jubilee Blog

This blog is a companion to the Computer Science Golden Jubilee website:  http://cs.mst.edu/50years .  It’s a place for news about the 2015-16 academic year celebration of 50-years of Computer Science excellence, and a repository for alumni, faculty, and staff stories about their experiences studying, programming, designing, building, and using computers.

If you have a story or photo to share, please send it to:  leittermanp@mst.edu .  Be sure to include your full name, your relationship to Missouri University of Science and Technology (e.g. alum, faculty, staff), your major and year of graduation if you are an alum, and your email so we can contact you if we have any questions.  We look forward to hearing your stories and memories not only about your student days but also about how you have used or benefited from computers since then.

Pam Leitterman
B.S. Applied Mathematics, 1975
Co-chair Golden Jubilee Committee
President, Academy of Computer Science