This blog is a companion to the Computer Science Golden Jubilee website: . It’s a place for news about the 2015-16 academic year celebration of 50-years of Computer Science excellence, and a repository for alumni, faculty, and staff stories about their experiences studying, programming, designing, building, and using computers.
If you have a story or photo to share, please send it to: . Be sure to include your full name, your relationship to Missouri University of Science and Technology (e.g. alum, faculty, staff), your major and year of graduation if you are an alum, and your email so we can contact you if we have any questions. We look forward to hearing your stories and memories not only about your student days but also about how you have used or benefited from computers since then.
Pam Leitterman
B.S. Applied Mathematics, 1975
Co-chair Golden Jubilee Committee
President, Academy of Computer Science